Jumat, 12 September 2008

OSI Reference Model (Rangkuman)

//ini hasil migrasi blog, 7 Juli 2015. Pindahan dari unisa81.net//

Lagi iseng-iseng mencoba men-summarize mengenai 7 layer  OSI (Open System Interconnection ) dari berbagai sumber. Semoga rangkuman yang dibawah ini cukup bermanfaat untuk memberikan sekilas gambaran mengenai  7 layer OSI dan functional aspect-nya
OSI model adalah bagian dari OSI initiative, yang merupakan standar guidelines  yang dibuat untuk membantu vendor, engineers, developers dll dalam memahami  network architecture di setiap layer beserta fungsi-fungsinya dalam proses aliran komunikasi  (ini pengertian ala Unisa, mungkin berbeda dengan sumber-sumber lain tapi maksudnya kira-kira sama)
Rangkuman di bawah tetap dipertahankan dalam bahasa inggris karena sumber-sumber yang dijadikan rujukan juga berbahasa inggris, selain itu Unisa kesulitan untuk menerjemahkan beberapa istilah ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Namun jika memungkinkan suatu saat akan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

1.     Application layer (layer 7)
a.     Closest to the user and provides file transmission, message exchanges, terminal sessions and much more
b.    It includes the protocols that support the application but not include the actual applications.
c.     Example of the protocol working at this layer  SMTP, HTTP, LDP, FTP, Telnet and TFTP
d.    Applications communicate with the underlying protocols through API (application programming interface)
e.     For example, email message through email client Outlook will be sent to SMTP. SMTP adds its information to the user’s information and passes it down to the presentation layer
2.     Presentation layer (layer 6)
a.     Receives information from the application layer protocols and puts it in a format all computer following the OSI model can understand
b.    This layer provides a common means of representing data in a structure that can be properly processed by the end system
c.     The presentation layer on the sender’s system converted the file to ASCII (American standard code for Information Interchange), and the receiver’s computer knows how to open all specific files
d.    The presentation layer adds information  to tell the destination computer the file type and how to process and present it
e.     For example, if the user sends graphic created in Corel application to another user who does not have Corel application, the user’s operating system can still present the graphic because it has been saved into a standard format.
f.     The layer also handles data compression and encryption issues (if a program requests a certain file to be compressed and encrypted before being transferred over the network, the presentation layer provides the necessary information for the destination computer)
g.    Instructions are added to the data package that tell the receiving system how to decrypt or decompress the data properly
3.     Session layer (layer 5)
a.     Responsible for establishing a connection between two applications, maintaining it during the transfer of data, and controlling the release of this connection

b.    It works in 3 phases : connection establishment, data transfer and connection release (provides restart and recovery if necessary), and provides overall maintenance of the session
c.     Some protocols that work at this layer : NFS, SQL, NetBIOS and RPC

Note : Session layer protocols control application-to-application communication, whereas the transport layer protocols handle computer-to-computer communication

4.     Transport Layer  (layer 4)
a.     The transport layer provides end-to-end data transport services and establishes the logical connection between two communicating computers
b.    Two computers agree on establishing connection through a handshaking process. It helps provide more reliable data transfer, error detection, correction, recovery and flow control, and optimizes the network services needed to perform these tasks
c.     The main protocol : TCP, UDP and SPX. TCP provide reliable data transmission when compared with UDP.
d.    The transport layer receives data from many different applications and assembles the data into a stream to be properly transmitted over the network
e.     Analogy : the bus can carry many people, the transport layer protocol can carry a variety of application data types
Note :  The difference between layer 4 and layer 5 is that protocols that work at the session layer set up connections between application, whereas protocols that work at the transport layer set up connections between computer systems. We can have 6 different applications on comp A communicating to 6 applications on comp B. The session layer protocols keep track of these different sessions. Transport layer does not know or care what applications are communicating with each other. It just provide mechanism to get the data from one system to another
5.     Network layer (layer 3)
a.     The network layer determines the most efficient path for each packet to take. The protocols at the network layer must determine the best path for the packet to take (many routes can lead to one destination). Routing protocols build and maintain their routing tables at this layer
b.    Network layer insert information into the packet’s header so it can be properly addressed and routed
c.     The protocols in network layer do not ensure the delivery of the packets. They depend on the protocols at the transport layer to catch any problems and resend packets if necessary
d.    Some of protocols work in Network layer : IP, ICMP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, IGMP
6.     Data Link Layer (layer 2)
a.     The data link layer converts the data into bits for the physical layer
b.    The data packet being translated into local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) technology binary format for proper line transmission at Data Link layer
c.     The Data link layer is where the network stack knows what format the data frame must be in to transmit properly over Token Ring, Ethernet, ATM or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks
d.    Data link layer also manage reorder frames (out of sequence), and notify upper-layer protocols when there are transmission error conditions
e.     The data link layer is divided into 2 functional sub layer :
                                          i.    Logical Link Control (LLC), communicates with the protocol immediately above it
                                         ii.    Media Access Control (MAC), will have the appropriately loaded protocol to interface with the protocol requirements of the physical layer
f.     Examples of data link protocols are Ethernet for local area networks (multi-node) and PPP, HDLC and ADCCP for point-to-point (dual-node) connections
Note : Depending on the network technology being used (Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, and so on), the network card driver encodes the bits at the data link layer, then turned into electricity states at the physical layer and placed onto the wire for transmission
7.     Physical Layer (layer 1)
a.     Physical Layer converts bits from data link layer into  electrical signals (It translates communications requests from the Data Link Layer into hardware-specific operations to affect transmission or reception of electronic signals)
b.    This layer controls synchronization, data rates, line noise, and medium access

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